Does a stepper motor rotate continuously?

Home FAQ Does a stepper motor rotate continuously?

Does a stepper motor rotate continuously?

Stepper motors are continuous rotation motors. These motors have a defined number of steps per rotation. You control position and speed by telling the motor when to step and in which direction.

Stepper motors are commonly used in various industrial applications. However, there are some people who believe that stepper motors cannot rotate continuously. In this article, we will delve into this topic and explore the question: Can stepper motors rotate continuously?

To answer this question, it is important to understand how stepper motors work. A stepper motor is an electric motor that moves in small, precise steps. Each step is controlled by an electrical pulse, and the number of steps is determined by the number of pulses received.

And are stepper motors capable of continuous rotation? The short answer is yes. While stepper motors are designed to move in precise incremental steps, they can also be used for continuous rotation by controlling the frequency and direction of the pulses. In fact, many stepper motors are designed for continuous rotation applications, such as conveyors and rotary tables.

Benefits and limitations of stepper motors

One of the benefits of using a stepper motor for continuous rotation is its accuracy. Stepper motors are known for their high accuracy and repeatability, making them ideal for applications that require precise positioning and movement. They also have excellent torque control, which means they can maintain a consistent speed and perform well under heavy loads.

However, stepper motors typically have lower maximum speeds than other types of motors and are not suitable for applications that require high speeds or rapid acceleration. Stepper motors consume a lot of power, which can lead to higher operating costs.


Stepper motors have the ability to rotate continuously and can be used in a variety of applications where precise motion is required. Although they have some limitations, such as speed and power consumption, they are still a popular choice for many industrial applications. When selecting a motor for your application, it is important to consider the specific requirements and choose the motor that meets your needs.

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